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Fun, Puzzles, Travel

The following are a number of puzzles presented for your entertainment. Feel free to submit any puzzles that you think are interesting, my email address can be found here. If appropriate I will include them here. The main requirement for any puzzles listed here is they should not require any advanced mathematical skills. If you find yourself writing equations for any of the puzzles you are probably approaching it the wrong way. (There are only a couple of exceptions below) The puzzles below are approximately in order of increased difficulty although it is only my own personal impression. To answer your next question, no, answers are not provided to most of the problems. The whole point of a good puzzle is for it to prey on your mind until you solve it. If you are REALLY desperate I will reveal answers if you beg or for a small inducement (eg: beer, chocolates, postcard).

Not so hard

Not easy


House expansion
2 Buckets
1 1 9 9
6 Oranges and 6 Boys
Frog down a well
How many pigs
Trace the envelope
Wasted trip
Next letter
6 Toothpicks
Picking Apples
Separate cans
Crossing the River
L of a house
Mystery Suicide
Form a square
Odd one out
Birth control
Slice the cheese
Rearranging 4 coins
Splitting horses
3 Switches
Shifting sticks
Swimming fish
Filling bag
All digits

4 hats
Burning fuses
Join the dots
Missing Square
Wedge paradox
Join the boxes
Divide the doorstop
Four men crossing a bridge
Slice the T
Black and white hats
Black and white hats, version 2
Black and white hats, version 3
Four hats
Bear hunting
Proof that 2 = 1
Square root
Hourglass timing
Poison wine
4 Parts
Bucket of Rocks
5 lines of 4 coins
Special number
Trace the loops
Shifting glasses
Four trees
Counterfeit Coin
Missing Money
Sum of cubes
Guess my birthday
Bee and the Locomotive
Sharing bread

Children ages
5 coins, 5 moves
Torus cuts
How many triangles
Walking distance
Cutting a cube
Counterfeit Coins
Make 100
Floating balloon
Was it a cat
Times 4
Carpet redesign
How Many Coconuts?
Game show door
Shaking hands
Greek Cross
Six Matches
Cut the moon
Weighing in a vacuum
Four Fours
Ladder problem
Wind and sound
Who wins
Three Disks
Three Chords
Wild Infinity
Why are plants green?
Goodstein's theorem

"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas, I'm frightened of the old ones". John Cage


Box interpretation
Schroeder stairs
Impossible triangle

Staring face
Black Dot
Womans face
Coloured balls
Concentric circles

Imagined triangle
Imagined cube
Sloping lines
Womans face
Coloured cats
Two circles

Elephant legs
Grey dots
Hidden box
Railway lines
Bad box
Straight lines

A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing. Emo Philips

Shit Happens
Shit Happens.
Confucius say, "Shit Happens".
If shit happens, it is not really shit.
What is the sound of shit happening?
This shit happened before.
If this shit happens, it is the will of Allah.
New Age
Let shit happen to someone else.
If shit happens, you deserved it.
Why does shit always happen to us?
A firm shit does not happen to me.
I don't believe this shit.
Let's roll that shit up and smoke it.

Contrary to what most people say, the most dangerous animal in the world is not the lion or the tiger or even the elephant. It's a shark riding on an elephant's back, just trampling and eating everything they see.


Fun with the Garmin VIRB

Syzygy: Transit of Venus, 8 June 2004

Solar eclipse, 4 Dec 2002

Total Lunar Eclipse, 16 July 2000

Leonid meteor shower 18 November 2001

A good way to threaten somebody is to light a stick of dynamite. Then you call the guy and hold the burning fuse up to the phone. "Hear that?" you say. "That's dynamite, baby!"


The pavement art of "Astral Nadir".

Slicing a torus. How many ways can a torus be cut (with a single plane) so that the resulting cross sections are perfect circles?

Fitting puzzle

The ribbed sphere. Do plans and elevations describe unique geometry?

Common misconception regarding a cube. Most people are poor at visualising even the simplest geometry.

Designing the golf ball pyramid puzzle

For your penance, say five Hail Marys and one loud BLAH! Spike Milligan

Limeric Math

A dozen, a gross, and a score,
plus three times the square root of four,
divided by seven,
plus five times eleven,
equals nine squared and no more!

The integral of t squared dt
from one to the cube root of three
times the cosine
of three pi over nine
is the log of the cube root of e

"And still they gazed and the wonder grew, That one small head could carry all he (she) knew." Oliver Goldsmith

Travel related

Old mosques and tombs in New Delhi, December 2023

Happy snaps from St Petersburg, Russia, July 2019

Happy snaps from Thailand, July 2019

India: Happy snaps, November-December 2018. Manipal and surrounding areas. Bangalore.

Seoul in half a day, South Korea.

Venice, Italy.

Istanbul and Cappadocia, Turkey.

Malaysia: Kuching (Sarawak). Kota Kinabalu (Saba). Terengganu. Mah Meri photos.

Two headed turtle. Found in the turtle zoo, Chinese Garden, Singapore, June 2007

China: Shanghai. Shenzhen. Xi'an. Beijing (Bi/Tri)-Cycle Gallery. Dragon Gardens, and Apartments, 6pm and 8pm in Hong Kong.

Phnom Penh Tuk-Tuk album.

Australia: Ballarat Architecture, Victoria, Australia. Pink Lakes, Victoria, Australia. Beacon Island, Western Australia. Pinnacles, Western Australia. West Angeles, Western Australia. Rock shelters, Western Australia. Pigeon Island, Western Australia. Caversham motoring museum, featuring the 1989 Star, Western Australia. Human Cortex in the Western Australian outback. Diamantina River. Weld Range rock shelter, Western Australia. Examples of digital assets collected at Wanmanna 2014 Western Australia. LadyBug-3 filming on the Endeavour, Perth, Western Australia. 2.5km under water, Western Australia. Site of the ASKAP, Western Australia. Images relating to the Ngintaka story, Central Australia. Cave Hill, South Australia. Wall art, murals, street painting, graffiti in Sydney, Australia. Street art and graffiti from Perth, Australia. 3D models from Perth, Australia. A giant rocking horse. The silliest thing I saw during my 1996/97 Xmas break. Birds in Denmark, WA.

Rotomahana, New Zealand.

Auckland (Harrah Casino) Skytower. A photo gallery during the construction of the Skytower in Auckland built during 1996. Contains images from the top during and after the construction as well as the 101 uses for the Skytower.

Auckland Albert Park Air Raid Shelters. These pages illustrate an interesting feature of Auckland history, unknown to many Aucklanders there is a maze of tunnels under a central city park, namely Albert Park. The original maps of the tunnels (1942) are presented at user selectable scales and with links to contemporary features.

Politicians are like nappies. They should be changed regularly and for the same reason. Patrick Murray


Try to guess what these objects are.

iTunes gift card scam

Fun with a drone

SfM fun. Weird results one can get with photogrammetry (Structure from Motion) software.

Does AppleCare ..?. Excessive and non-environmentally friendly packaging by Apple.

Holographic display anyone? (QuickTime Movie)

Fun calculus. How's your high school calculus? A bucket that holds paint but can't be painted!

Minus One poem

Heaven is hotter than hell. Basic thermodynamics and the bible.

Make Waves not Water. If you are female and don't have a sense of humour then perhaps you shouldn't read this. I guess you're sure to read it now!

Birth assistance patent. Believe it or not, this patent is for real!

UWA @ SecondLife. A photographic gallery of the University of Western Australia's venture into SecondLife.

Why English is so hard to learn.

Silly statement from my bank

Art, like morality, consists of drawing lines somewhere. G.K. Chesterton

Papers, Presentations, WorkshopsGeometry, Surfaces, Curves, PolyhedraFractals, Chaos, Self similarityDomes, Planetariums, Fisheye, Spherical MirrorStereographics, 3D ProjectionPanorama, 360 VideoPhotographic ReconstructionMiscellaneous: Projection, Modelling, RenderingData Formats: 3D, Audio, ImageTexture LibraryFun, Puzzles, Travel
(All pages in one place)

Digitising the Murten Panorama. The story behind the highest resolution scan of an artwork.Markov Blankets and Mirror Symmetries.... Focus Peaking - An AlgorithmVertical PanoramasSymmetry in ChaosDome Projection and Calibration for Offaxis Fisheye LensesTools for Spherical Mirror Projection

The contents of this web site are © Copyright Paul Bourke or a third party contributor where indicated. You may print or save an electronic copy of parts of this web site for personal use, permission must be sought for any other use.